Bay Hills Church

Our Senior Pastor

Pastor Allen never set out to be a pastor. Born and raised in east L.A., he spent much of his early adult life like many of you: skeptical of, antagonistic to, and uninterested in Jesus. He was too preoccupied with his own family, future, and fortune. He served his country as a United States Marine and later climbed the corporate ladder to a successful business career at a Fortune 500 company.

Then, Jesus...

Pastor Allen's transformation story is nothing short of miraculous. He was the least likely convert, at the least likely time, in the least likely place, with the least likely background. But from that point forward, there was no denying his purpose and calling:

A nobody would dedicate his life to telling everybody about Somebody.  

For more than 20 years now, Pastor Allen has used his military, business, and ministry experience to build, grow, revitalize, and lead the local church. He has been preaching the Gospel in contexts from mega-church to church-plant; from the Deep South to the West Coast; from intellectual elites to gangs of bikers. And yet, no matter the environment, the message of Jesus has always remained the same.

Pastor Allen's background has produced a preaching style that is uncensored, transparent, and passionate, yet is unapologetically Bible-centered. He is not your typical poised, polished, and polite communicator emblematic of many churches.  He wholeheartedly favors sincerity of delivery over public perception. Pastor Allen finds joy in his family, his Bible, and his Harley-Davidson. He is husband to Shannon for more than 25 years and father to four adult children—Kaelyn, Tyler, Zachary, and Faith.

Pastor Allen's KFAX

Our Senior Pastor

Pastor Allen never set out to be a pastor. Born and raised east of L.A., he spent much of his early adult life like many of you: skeptical of, antagonistic to, or uninterested in Jesus. He was too preoccupied with his own family, future, and ambition. He served his country as a United States Marine and later climbed the corporate ladder to a successful business career at a Fortune 500 company.

Then, Jesus...

Pastor Allen's transformation story is nothing short of miraculous. He was the least likely convert, at the least likely time, in the least likely place, with the least likely background. But from that point forward, there was no denying his purpose and calling:

A nobody would dedicate his life to telling everybody about Somebody.  

For more than 20 years now, Pastor Allen has used his military, business, and ministry experience to build, grow, revitalize, and lead the local church. He has been preaching the Gospel in contexts from mega-church to church-plant; from the Deep South to the West Coast; from intellectual elites to gangs of bikers. And yet, no matter the environment, the message of Jesus has always remained the same.

Pastor Allen's background has produced a preaching style that is uncensored, transparent, and passionate yet is unapologetically Bible-centered. He is not your typical poised, polished, and polite communicator emblematic of many churches.  He wholeheartedly favors sincerity of delivery over public perception. Pastor Allen loves his family, his Bible, and his Harley-Davidson. He is husband to Shannon for more than 25 years and father to four adult children—Kaelyn, Tyler, Zachary, and Faith.