For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
1 Corinthians 12:12
1 Corinthians 12:12
The word member in Scripture is the Greek word melos, literally translated body part. The Bible uses the metaphor of a body to describe the church (1 Corinthians 12:12). It's a beautiful illustration of how we're each created to serve different functions in the local church.
We make a distinction between members and guests. Being a guest is an important season. As the name suggests, it's a season where we welcome you into our home and we get to know each other. However, without eventually committing to a local church through membership, guests can intentionally or unintentionally default to becoming consumers. Consumers, to a certain extent, remain separated from our church family. In other words, guests miss out on the maturity, protection, accountability, and care that come with being an active member.
To be a member of a church is to make a public promise to live according to the Word and to support the work of the church. In the Bible, this is called a covenant. Every believer is part of the universal church (all Christians everywhere throughout all times), but only through a formal process can you fully be part of the local church. In the Scriptures, covenant meant an agreement that lasted for life. We’re attempting to use this meaningful term while recognizing that membership at a local church is often not for life. A formal process makes this commitment explicit to all who attend Bay Hills, whether your membership lasts for a few months or a few decades.
The local church isn’t like Netflix or a country club - membership isn't about 'the perks.' By identifying ourselves with a particular church, we let the pastors and other members know that we are their responsibility. We assure the church of our commitment to Christ in serving, giving, encouraging, and praying for one another.